Folderize Electronic Documents


IT'S ALL FREE! Folderize Electronic Documents

You wouldn't dump important papers into your file cabinet without organizing them, would you? If you don't folderize your email inbox or your word processing files, it's the electronic equivalent of dumping your files into a messy file cabinet.

The Urban Dictionary defines "folderize" as creating a working document by placing all important information into a folder. As a new legal nurse consultant, some of your most important information will be related to your clients.  Here are a few ways that new LNCs can folderize client word processing documents and email messages.

Folderize Your Email Inbox

* Create folders in your email (or Labels as they're called in G-mail) for each of your clients.  Most email accounts with on-line access allow you edit your inbox to create new folders. If you use Microsoft Outlook, you can right-click on the Inbox and select New Folder.

* Move all email messages to folders once you've read and acted upon the email. Most email programs have check box that allows you to move the message to a folder. With some email programs, you can click on the message and drag it to a folder. 

* Use the Reading Pane if your email system has one so that you can quickly decide if the message is something you want to open or not.

* Delete unwanted messages instead of keeping them in your Inbox.

* If you currently have thousands of emails in your inbox, move a few messages every time you access your email. If you spend 10 seconds to move or delete 5 emails every time you access your email, you'll chip away at that bulging inbox.

Folderize Word Processing Documents

* Create folders for each client. For specific instructions for Microsoft Word, Google the words "Microsoft Word" and "create folders". Name the folders for each of your clients.

* Then create subfolders for each case. Save all work product to the case folders.

* When you have finished, your folders and subfolders will look something like this:


Now that you're electronically organized, you'll be able to find your documents and email messages with ease.

...Katy Jones