LNCtips.com: Creating a Chart in Excel 2003
Excel is a spreadsheet that can be used by legal nurse consultants to enhance their reports. Excel charts are great to visually illustrate data such as weight changes and changes in lab values. Knowledge of financial formulas and mathematical functions are not necessary to create a professional-appearing chart.
Excel spreadsheets are commonly used in narrative summaries, PowerPoint presentations and even as demonstrative exhibits at trial. Since new LNCs may not be accustomed to creating Excel charts, this 3 minute video provides an overview of the process. The report is the same but Excel 2003 and Excel 2007/2010 are different enough that there is a video for each version.
This video depicts a simple Excel chart that was created about lab values from a table in Word. The video also demonstrates how data can be input directly into Excel. Like all of the samples and examples on LNCtips.com, the names and circumstances are fictitious.
Note: This interactive video uses flash, which can be viewed on desktop PCs or Macs.
...Katy Jones